It can be very useful to see the records linked to a single source. For example, if you have linked multiple individuals to a CensusCensus records are national collections of population statistics. They usually record details about members of a household on a particular date, and are typically collected every ten years. Household schedule, or a Passenger List, you may wish to identify the people who were together at the time.
Version 7 and later versions
Select the Source record in the main Records WindowThe Records Window provides a comprehensive view of all the information stored within a Family Historian project. list under the Sources tab and use the View > Citations to Source Record… command.
Open the Source record Property BoxThe Property Box is the primary window for data entry and for viewing details of stored records. It is used with records of all types. and use the cog Menu > Show Source Record’s CitationsA link between a source and a fact, documenting Where within the source you find information being "cited" to support the fact/conclusion. in Result Window option.
Version 6 and later versions ~ Find Search
If you use Method 2 (Lumper) sources, you may wish to see everything that links to a particular Source with a particular Where within Source value (for example, you may wish to find everyone what was in a particular household or on the same page of a census schedule. (This approach does rely on you using the same value for Where within Source for all individuals in the same household or on the same page).
Use Edit > Find…. Enter the Where within Source value you wish to find in Search for:. In Look in deselect everything except Other Fields. Click the Find Now button. You will find it easier to view the results if you next click the Display Results in Results Window button.
Version 5 and later versions ~ Plugins
Since ƒh V5, Plugins are available that have a couple of advantages over other options, as they show every item (Event, AttributeEvents are things that happened to an Individual and Attributes are things that described them., Name, Record, etc) that the Source is linked to, and double clicking on any cell in the Results Set window will take you directly to that item in the Property Box. Right-click on a cell for other display options.
Two relevant Plugins are:
- List All Citations for a Selected Source for one Source at a time.
- Where Used Record Links that works for multiple selections of any other record type as well as Source recordsSource: "where information was found". This could be anything from an archive in a county records office, a book, or even a relative's recorded recollection. Citing your Sources helps to show how you reached a particular conclusion about an Individual.. If you use Method 2 (Lumper) sources, you can sort by Where within Source citation values and it allows minor inconsistencies to be spotted.
Version 4 and later versions
- Select the Source record in the main Records Window list under the Sources tab.
- Use View > Record Links…. The Record Links window will appear showing all Individuals with Citations linked to the selected Source.
- In the example shown, this Source (for a Census record) has citations linking to 5 people who all appeared in the census household that the source refers to. You will see that the individuals each have multiple links. This is because the source is linked to the Census event for all 5 people and to an occupationAn occupation is defined in the GEDCOM standard as: ‘The kind of activity that an individual does for a job, profession, or principal activity’. attribute, birth year or other factFacts are one of the key concepts at the heart of Family Historian; they are how you record the things that happened to, or described, each ancestor (Individual). for some of them.
- By selecting one Individual in the Record Links dialogue it is possible to go straight to the properties for that individual by clicking on the Go To button.
Alternatively, a QueryQuerying is a very powerful feature that allows you to specify and save criteria for identifying a set of records of a given record type. can be used to list every Fact that cites the Source record, e.g. Query:Fact ~ Facts Linked to a Source.