Has anyone succeeded in getting iuplabel with wordwrap on to automatically expand vertically depending on the length of the title text? It is inside an hbox with a fixed width. The title is being set when the label is created. I've tried expand = 'VERTICAL'.
Ive also tried flatlabel with textwrap.
* iuplabel and wordwrap
iuplabel and wordwrap
John Elvin
Re: iuplabel and wordwrap
Well I've achieved the affect I wanted but it's one heck of a kludge!
- dialogName:map()
- get the SIZE attribute of the label, if it's width is more than will fit (maxwidth) set the size of the label to 'maxwidthx16' for two lines or 'maxwidthx24' for three lines
- iup.SetAttribute(dialogName, 'SIZE', '')
- iup.Refresh(dialogName)
- dialogName:popup
John Elvin