* Lineage linking like the big boys do

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Ron Melby
Posts: 934
Joined: 15 Nov 2016 15:40
Family Historian: V6.2

Lineage linking like the big boys do

Post by Ron Melby »

everything says that gedcom is lineage linked. nowhere is there an algorithm I can find for linking it.
I need some clever algorithm design help.
I have fought this for 4 years.
My current iteration runs root to treetops for mother and father and goes down (which allows me to include some of the necessary information)
But it does give me all pools and generations sometimes, but no side (that is, fathers or mothers side, and it is very dependent on some hand fixing of tables I save run to run, and generally clumps data in order, but not specifically.)

I am going to abandon it, it is unworkable.
far = father = 2
mor = mother = 3
father side = 2
mother side = 3

I will try to explain the top half of the order of report I want:

Code: Select all

     far         mor
 2.2     2.3 3.2     3.3
 far     mor far     mor 
  *       *   *       *
   *     *     *     *
    *   *       *   *
     * *         * *
      *           *      the tree branching needs to repeat recursively
       *         *
        *       *
         *     *
          *   *
side (both) 4      
parents     *
root        *
for purposes of trying to explain this:
1) only pool 1 will be considered,
2) relations that include 'partner' will not be considered now.
3) 1/2 relations can be ignored now.
4) relations that start with husband or wife, or end with husband or wife should work themselves out on expansion.
5) viewtopic.php?p=143863#p143863 this error needs to be worked out.

I have the code that selects a root, and then retrieves fathers side and mothers side parents (ancestors) up to each side's treetops and orders them.

But that is the end of it. I am missing the families between each generation I only have column 0 (roots) and need to expand, it may help to illustrate with a table:

Code: Select all

         C(0)                C(1)               C(2)               C(3)               C(4)             
R(-5) gr  3x gfar/gmor  g  3x G uncle/aunt   1st cousin  5x rmv  2nd cousin  5x rmv  3rd cousin  5x rmv
R(-4) gr  2x gfar/gmor  g  2x G uncle/aunt   1st cousin  4x rmv  2nd cousin  4x rmv  3rd cousin  4x rmv
R(-3) gr     gfar/gmor  g     G uncle/aunt   1st cousin  3x rmv  2nd cousin  3x rmv  3rd cousin  3x rmv
R(-2)        gfar/gmor        G uncle/aunt   1st cousin  2x rmv  2nd cousin  2x rmv  3rd cousin  2x rmv
R(-1)          far/mor          uncle/aunt   1st cousin  1x rmv  2nd cousin  1x rmv  3rd cousin  1x rmv
R( 0) root                      bro/sis      1st cousin          2nd cousin          3rd cousin        
R( 1)          son/dau          nphw/niece   1st cousin  1x rmv  2nd cousin  1x rmv  3rd cousin  1x rmv
R( 2)        gson/gdau        G nphw/niece   1st cousin  2x rmv  2nd cousin  2x rmv  3rd cousin  2x rmv
R( 3) gr     gson/gdau  g     G nphw/niece   1st cousin  3x rmv  2nd cousin  3x rmv  3rd cousin  3x rmv
R( 4) gr  2x gson/gdau  g  2x G nphw/niece   1st cousin  4x rmv  2nd cousin  4x rmv  3rd cousin  4x rmv
R( 5) gr  3x gson/gdau  g  3x G nphw/niece   1st cousin  5x rmv  2nd cousin  5x rmv  3rd cousin  5x rmv
FH V.6.2.7 Win 10 64 bit
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