Currently, there are several inconsistent ways to find where records are used:
- View > Record Links... command.
However, this only lists the host records where the chosen record is used and not the specific field(s).
So the user must search further and can only do so in one host record at a time. - View > Citations to Source Record... command.
This obviously only lists Citations linked to a Source record so does not list other links to Source records. - Tools > Work with Data > Places... dialogue Where Used... button.
This button obviously only works for Place records but does list every field where the Place is used. - Fact Witness dialogue Go To > Local Event for Principal/Witness feature.
This option obviously only works for Fact Witnesses. - Where Used Record Links plugin.
This lists all the fields where the chosen record(s) are used but is a bit more awkward to access and needs to be updated whenever new features are added to FH.
FH has no native command that lists all specific fields where any chosen type of record is used (except Places).
No Data Reference shortcut allows Expressions or Plugins to find where a record is used (except INDI.~SHAR[n]).
User Interface Proposal:
FH should provide a way of easily listing all the specific field(s) where a chosen record is used.
The list should include details similar to those in the Result Set produced by some existing commands.
Suggestions (they don't all have to be implemented):
- Add a Where Used... button to each Property Box main toolbar &/or to each Records Window tab, so a single click produces a Result Set listing, as requested by OP in Add new tab for citations in Source tab (22326).
- Alter the View > Record Links... command to produce a comprehensive Result Set listing, not just records.
- Add all record types to the Tools > Work with Data dialogues instead of just Place records, so they all have a Where Used... button and other useful features.
Data Reference Proposal:
Similar to the INDI.~SHAR[n] shortcut for Fact Witnesses, provide shortcuts for all other usage links:
SOUR.~SOUR[n] for all Source links.
SOUR.~CITE[n] for just Citation links.
OBJE.~OBJE[n] for all Media links.
NOTE.~NOTE[n] for shared Note links.
_RNOT.~_RNOT[n] for shared Research Note links.
INDI.~INDI[n] for all Individual links including Rich Text links.
INDI.~ASSO[n] for just Associated Person links.