I am delighted to announce that Family Historian 7 has been released!
The new version has a wealth of new features and improvements - please see www.family-historian.co.uk/whats-new-in-7 for details.
Thank you very much to everyone who took part in beta-testing version 7. We are hugely grateful for the terrific response and dedication of so many people. The program is unquestionably in every way so much better thanks to your efforts. I will be emailing you all shortly, as promised, just to thank you again and update you.
Family Historian 7, in our view, opens up an entirely new chapter for the program. As you will discover, there is a lot of new stuff (but don't worry - it's still very much the same program that you know and love!).
We're conscious that we have not been very good at keeping you all updated on progress. I hope you feel as we do that it's been worth it in the end!
Best wishes
Simon Orde
P.S. If you don't see anything about Family Historian 7 when you try to look at the Family Historian website, please leave it for an hour and try again. S.O.