* New Multifact plugin

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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by E Wilcock »

I have not followed the technicalities of this. However, I notice the original application was for entering elements in a passenger list.
I too use lists where a single entry on the internet database may include several different facts.
However, some facts may appear more than once. e.g. 2 addresses, 2 emigrations.
So am wondering whether the multifact plug in will allow for a single fact to be added more than once?
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

Re adding a single fact more than once, yes -- although you will have to do them in separate 'passes' (which can be done without closing the plugin.)
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by E Wilcock »

That is great. Thank you.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

OK, here's the latest version which I think addresses all the issues raised so far -- with one exception (which I will come to).

The one outstanding problem is Jane's slow loading time -- I've put in a progressbar as advised by Mike Tate, but the size of Jane's fact files (which I've been testing with) mean the progress bar isn't displayed -- and I'm not seeing the same slow loading with the same files...
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by tatewise »

Has it been established at what stage Jane's slow loading occurs?
Is it actually while loading the Fact Sets, or is it prior to that when requiring the libary modules, or elsewhere?
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

Mike, No -- but given that most plugins require library modules, I'd expect it to be something specific to this plugin... And Jane managed to reduce the load time from 40 seconds to 24 by tidying up her fact sets, so they must be at least part of the challenge (but perhaps not all of it).

Jane, do you have a lot of places and addresses -- that may be another source of slow loading?
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by E Wilcock »

I found it slow to open on my own family tree. But then I just tried it with one of my largest projects of 4270 people and it opened instantly.
As usual my efforts to actually use the plug in werent too happy. Being the ignorant guinea pig. I wanted to enter Census, Race, Education, Residence and in some cases other facts from a census (for which I dont use AS because AS simply places this info in Notes). The race, white or Hebrew then appears in every entry.
So what is the result from your passenger list please? If one enters an attribute or nationality does that then appear on multiple entries?
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

Any Attribute value you add is applied to all Attributes created (not events, as they don't take a value).
Screenshot 2019-03-19 10.08.31.jpg
Screenshot 2019-03-19 10.08.31.jpg (22.14 KiB) Viewed 11593 times
So if entering a passenger list, having selected the source and individuals, I enter the date, Place and Place2 plus a note (typically identifying the ship, but I might put other info in here like 'Mary and her children were travelling to join her husband') and then choose and create the Emigration fact (others might choose Immigration). Once the fact is created (one per individual), I can edit each one in turn to e.g. specify the Age (which will be different for each individual).

If you want to create multiple Attributes for multiple people you should select and create the Facts one at a time.

Re slowness, does the 'slower' project have significantly more places and addresses than the fast one?
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by E Wilcock »

Helen _ This is not going to be a useful reply.
I arrived from TMG and have never before opened or counted the place records.
The smaller project has 1003 place records and the larger one 2681.
There may tho be relatively fewer addresses in the larger project which has been a major research file since coming into fh, where I stopped using the address field.
But I have tried running your plug in on three other Projects, one of which was started in fh. There is a hesitation of maybe 1 second but no longer than Mike's export Gedcom plug in which I tried for comparison.
However, what about custom events? I use relatively few tho some extinct family events (i.e. events with more than one principal) have come in from TMG.
When your plug in opened instantly the second time I clicked it this morning, I assumed it was because it was already in the computer memory? And the computer has not yet been turned off.
Let me know if you want me to try anything else.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by E Wilcock »

Can I ask a subsidiary question?
Does the double place field mean that using this plug in one can enter two places in a single event?
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

No, that is useful -- even if it doesn't tell me what the problem is -- thanks.

Re custom events, if they are INDIVIDUAL facts, they should show up in the list of facts you can choose from. Not Family events though -- the plugin only handles individual facts.

Re place 1 and PLace 2, I'm afraid it will only use Place 2 if you are creating one of the (two) facts that supports it -- Immigration or Emigration. There's no way to persauded FH to attach a Place2 to any other fact.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by E Wilcock »

Just a thought about my projects - I dont have many attached images. Only 3 images in my big project - I planned to link source images in fh but never got round to it. Could it be Janes's images?
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

I don't do any image processing, so it isn't that, I'm afraid.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

This is now available from the Plugin Store.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by PyreneesPirate »

Hello Helen,

I, like many others I'm sure are starting to find extra information on our Ancestors and I was searching for something that can handle Military records on a more streamlined basis. I downloaded a little while ago (I think it was Mike Tate's Military Tab) to try to get a bit of order into these type of records. But I was looking for something like the AS software so that all the info is created in the background, Enrolment, Death, Burial, Medals, and Media attached to Source etc. Then I stumbled across this discussion on your Multifact Plugin. Will this plug in achieve what I am looking for? I downloaded it from the Plugin library and I have come across a couple of issues, firstly it asked me to instal 'pl' (Is that a problem?) and now when the page loads the screen handling seems not to work properly i.e. the input screen is too large and there doesn't appear to be a scroll up down option. I was wondering if you were aware of this? I have FH 6.2.7 on Win 10 on a HP laptop.

Is there anywhere on the site where there is a tutorial on this Plugin?

Many thanks and thanks for you effort in putting the Plugin together!

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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by tatewise »

You can resize the Plugin window by dragging its edges, just like any other window.
The black triangles on the left against Citation, Fact details, & Activity log, expand and contract those sections.
Hover the cursor over the various buttons & boxes, and there are popup tooltips that help.
Experiment in the Family Historian Sample Project and the functions will become clearer.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

pl isn't a problem -- it's widely used. Are you running on a Mac? If so we can advise how to download manually.

Which version of the plugin do you have installed -- there was an earlier problem with screen handling but that should be fixed with the latest version from the Plugin store.

There is no tutorial -- just the popup tips (it does expect some familiarity with FH generally).
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by PyreneesPirate »

Thanks for both of your replies.

I have tried dragging the edges with the mouse (resizing) but nothing happens I'm afraid. I am using FH 6.2.7, Win 10 and HP Laptop.

I have been using FH since version 3 in 2009, I was just wondering if anyone has an example of putting on a new record from Enlisting to say Burial and Cemetery details that's all really. It would be just nice to get it right first time.

Any help would be appreciated as always.

Thanks again,

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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

Can you confirm which version of the plugin you're running -- within FH, go to Tools > Plugins, and then click on the Multifact name -- you'll see the version at the bottom of the window -- should be 1.5.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by PyreneesPirate »

Hello again,

It is version 1.4, I downloaded it from the FH Website page this morning.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

OK -- 1.4 should work without the scrolling problem. Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing?
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by tatewise »

I've just tried V1.4 from the Plugin Store, and found like PyreneesPirate that the dialogue is too tall, and cannot be resized to be any shorter. It can be resized in width.

When any of the four options are expanded/collapsed the dialogue size needs to be auto-adjusted using such as:
iupDialog.Size = iup.NULL
iupDialog.MinSize = iupDialog.RasterSize

but having tried that in your Plugin, I cannot get it to shrink.
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by ColeValleyGirl »

OK, I have a version 1.5 although I suspect it will not solve the problem -- but I can't see how to upload it to the store -- Mike, DM me if you can help.

In the interim, attached for testing. It would hep to know what size (especially height) people are testing with? I can possibly reduce the height of some fields but only by making people with bigger screens resize stuff...
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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by PyreneesPirate »

Hello again,

If it helps, my laptop screen size is 17" diagonal, 15"width and 9" high, out comes the Pythagoras! So it is not a small screen.

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Re: New Multifact plugin

Post by Jane »

I suspect Helen needs the size in pixels. Assuming Windows 10 right click on the desktop and select Display Settings, scroll down to Resolution and make a note of the numbers there plus the Scale option above.
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