* One person ,two names

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One person ,two names

Post by Denisg »

When entering census info I have these children of Thomas and Alice Gifford

1881 Annie;John;Thomas;Margaret

1891 Annie;John;Thomas;Margaret;Arthur

1901 Thomas;Margaret;George Arthur

1911Margaret;George Arthur

As I have entered these 6 names into FH

The 1911 census shows that Thomas and Alice had 5 children 4 of which survived. Between1881 and 1911 there are 6 children named in the census.As I have entered all the above names into FH the family of Thomas and Alice have the wrong number of children.As the ages for George and George Arthur are the same I am suspecting these are the same person. If I am right how can I merge these into one person,namely George Arthur.
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Ron Melby
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Re: One person ,two names

Post by Ron Melby »

quick way, from the individual records pane:

search xxxx, geo
find your george and george arthur

if they are next to each other select one and arrow down to number two

if there is something in between
select first
HOLD DOWN control key
mouste down to the 2nd
when they are selected, >edit>merge/compare records
FH V.6.2.7 Win 10 64 bit
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Re: One person ,two names

Post by tatewise »

I have moved this to the FH General Usage forum as it is not an AS problem.

Ron's advice is essentially correct to merge the two Individual records.

The details will depend on how much associated data you have added to the two records.
i.e. Do they both have a Birth Event and a Death Event with the same details?
They will have different Census Events.
Have any family relationships been added to those two children?
So in the Merge dialogue take care to select the appropriate options so that all data is retained.
That may involve merging Family records too.

I suggest you create a Project Backup just in case, although the automatic Snapshots taken by FH should suffice.
Mike Tate ~ researching the Tate and Scott family history ~ tatewise ancestry
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