* Showing multiple Source Images with a single sentence in a Report (Solved)

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Showing multiple Source Images with a single sentence in a Report (Solved)

Post by JohnB47 »

Edit: I've found a method for this, as shown at the bottom of this post.

This is really hard to explain but here goes.

I have an individual with three Census Facts, each with a different year. In the Report, this shows as sentences like "XXX appeared in the Census in 1906", "XXX appeared in the Census in 1911", "XXX appeared in the Census in 1921" which just looks repetitive.

I've created a sentence for the first Census Fact like "XXX and her family appeared in the Census's of 1906, 1911, 1921". This appears in the report with the Source number and Source Image appropriate to that one Fact.

Now I have the challenge of getting the Images of each of the other two Census's to appear in the Report as well but without including their Fact sentences. So the report would have that one combined sentence and three little source numbers at the end and therefore all three Source Images would appear.

This seems impossible because if I exclude the unwanted sentences, the little Source number can't be shown and therefore the Source Image is not shown. Using [[ and ]] around the unwanted sentences doesn't work either.

Is there a way to to this - have just one fact sentence with multiple sources associated with it and therefore multiple source images showing?


Or maybe I should have just one fact, with a date field like "from 1906 to 1921" and assign all three source images to that one fact. Is that a better method?

Solution: I found that I could leave the various Census dates (years) as is. Then I used the above mentioned sentence in the first Census Fact, then copied and pasted the Sources from the other two Facts into that first Fact, then I excluded the sentences in the two other Facts.

This works well. The Report does what I want and it leaves the Facts and their Sources intact and in place, with just the first one having all three Sources.
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