* Ancestry Synchronization Plugin Version 1.4

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Ancestry Synchronization Plugin Version 1.4

Post by Mark1834 »

Version 1.4 of the Ancestry Synchronization Plugin is now available in the Plugin Store.

This is largely a consolidation of a number of minor incremental changes over version 1.3 that have been trialled with individual users off-forum.
  • Ancestry does not support unnamed individuals, and RM support is patchy and inconsistent, so any unnamed individuals are exported from FH with a simple dummy placeholder name.
  • RM only supports a single value for the Unique ID field, although both GEDCOM 7 and FH permit multiple values. Only the first value is exported by FH, but the plugin now flags multiple values to the user.
  • Resetting the linked RM database when the project name is changed is now optional to support users who routinely update their live project name.
  • Optional import of custom fact list for users who export custom facts. This avoids having to update the plugin code every time the plugin is updated. This is intended for more advanced users, and the plugin help will be updated with a fuller description in due course.
  • Plugin options are now saved in standard Windows ini file format for improved compatibility and ease of maintenance.
  • Plugin tools supplied with FH do not support direct access to RM from Mac or Linux systems, and the plugin now checks for an emulator and exits gracefully with a warning message if found, rather than closing FH without warning. I experimented with keeping the export function available in an emulator, as this works correctly, but it is not very elegant and I have a better solution for emulators that I will pursue at a later date.
I have also updated the Import FamilySearch ID From RootsMagic Plugin to check for an emulator, as this is also not supported by the available plugin tools.
Mark Draper
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Re: Ancestry Synchronization Plugin Version 1.4

Post by jelv »

I've just run in to an issue with this plugin.

I've been doing some cleaning on my project which involved tidying up Places.

The place of a marriage has been changed from Boston, Lincs to Boston, Lincolnshire, England. The TreeShare update guide correctly shows that marriage has changed on both partners, but looking in the partial GEDCOM there are no records for the family so the change isn't being pushed through to RootsMagic.

Edit: RootsMagic isn't helping. After running the AutoMerge the marriage has been completely deleted!

Edit 2: I ran the export without running the compare first so that it produced a full export. Putting that in to RM and doing the merge (which obviously took way longer) and everything is fine.

Edit 3: I spoke too soon! In RM TreeShare if the box Only show changed people is ticked then neither of the couple is listed. If I untick the box and select one of then I see this:
RM TreeShare -Arnall.png
RM TreeShare -Arnall.png (62.64 KiB) Viewed 1030 times
Should the update be setting something that says the records have been changed?

BTW: version is 2.4 not 1.4!
John Elvin
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Re: Ancestry Synchronization Plugin Version 1.4

Post by Mark1834 »

Sorry about that John - it suggests that the partial update is not seeing changes in Family Events correctly. There may also be a TreeShare issue in there as well as it translates between the RM way of seeing families and the Ancestry way. I'll investigate further tomorrow.
Mark Draper
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Re: Ancestry Synchronization Plugin Version 1.4

Post by Mark1834 »

My initial diagnosis was correct - changes to Family Records were not be cascaded to the GEDCOM extract file and onwards to RM. Version 2.4.1 is now in the Plugin Store.
Mark Draper
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