* Working with images named to reflect source

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Family Historian: V7

Working with images named to reflect source

Post by Gary_G »

I'm in the process of refiling my census images to avoid the use of the names of a particular person. This allows me to keep one copy of a page image. I typically add the people of interest in the image notes. This allows me to "tag" one or more people in an image and to use the media page filter to examine the whole media record to find ll instances of the name.

Unfortunately; in A.S. it looks like the filtering is limited to the Title or Filename of the image. If I'm missing a way to find the media records with a particular person in the image notes, please let me know. If not, having a search option to search the notes for an identifier would be really handy.
Gary Gauthier
Hunting History in the Wild!
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