In FH v7, diagram icons can only exist in the C:\ProgramData\Calico Pie\Family Historian\Icons folders and thus are handled by the Copying/Restoring Program Settings procedures, so the accordion advice is not applicable to FH v7.
Therefore, please change the accordion title to Diagram Icons prior to ƒh7.
The last paragraph of the accordion should be changed from:
toIt might be advisable to move these Icon files either into your Family Historian Projects folder in a folder called Icons, or into the \Calico Pie\Family Historian\Icons folder. The Diagram Icons will then need to be reselected.
If not already there, it is advisable to move those Icon files into the C:\ProgramData\Calico Pie\Family Historian\Icons folder. The Diagram Icons will then need to be reselected. The explanation is that Icon files in that folder will not need to be selected again after moving to the target PC, and in ƒh7 that is the only folder allowed for Icon files.