* Cousins Marrying and Blank Pages

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Cousins Marrying and Blank Pages

Post by admin »

Does anyone know of a way of suppressing the blank pages - if not, can Simon please add it to the wish list?

The only way of suppressing them at the moment, is to take note of the page numbers (shown in the top-left corner of printable pages when you view page boundaries - but you may have to zoom in to read them).  Then print off ranges of pages, avoiding the blanks ones e.g. 1-2, 4-9, etc (you can specify a print range in the Print dialog).  I appreciate that this is a nuisance, but possibly slightly easier than weeding out blank sheets.

After perusing the User Manual carefully several times, I have been unable to find any mention of how to print the information entered in the sections called Events, Notes and Sources.

There is no easy way of printing out the information you mention at the moment, but there will be in the next release, 2.1, which 2.0 users (the current version) will be able to download a free upgrade to.  Our target for release 2.1 is late-Jan/early-Feb.

In my tree, I have an instance of cousins (2nd, 1 removed) marrying.
When I try to print the trees out, FH prints that section of the ancestors tree twice.  I have tried all 3 diagrams (ancestors, descendents and all relatives), based on different people & get the same result.
I can get it to mark the duplicates, but not to actually link to them
Is there a simple way to get it to print this section of the tree only once, correctly linking the relevant people with proxy boxes?
I have tried turning duplicates on and off but it doesn't make any difference.

Just to add to what you said: I don't know if you've noticed this, but you can also manually 'override' the text in any box in a diagram.  So if you wanted to you could override the default text for one of your sets of parents to add a little note to say that the children of this marriage are shown elsewhere.  To override the default text, click on a box with the right mouse button, and select 'Override Default Text'.
If you use overridden default text, you are advised to do it at a late stage, because if you refresh the dialog, your overridden text will be lost. And changing some diagram options can cause the diagram to be refreshed. Also, be aware that F.H. calculates the maximum no. of lines per box on the basis of your current text scheme.  If a text scheme has a maximum of 4 lines, you can only use 4 lines for your override text.  If you use 5, the 5th line will not appear.
The alternative to override text would be to use a title - perhaps one without a frame.  The advantage of this is that titles can be positioned anywhere.  But you only have a maximum of 4 of these, which may not be enough if you have a large diagram and it happens frequently.  In this case, yet another alternative might be to use the 'Mark' facility to mark all repeated sets of parents (the 'mark' consists of a box around the marked 'nodes', if you aren't already using text frames, or a special background colour if you are using text frames).  You could then add a note in a title to say that the marked boxes represent duplicates.
Simon Orde
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Cousins Marrying and Blank Pages

Post by chatman »

All relatives tree
I have cousins marrying which is causing duplicate grandparents boxes and others too
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